Mac-Source 1994 July
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334 lines
* name.c - routines handling the "Name" window pane.
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <window.h>
#include <toolutil.h>
#include <packages.h>
#include <control.h>
#define ALLDIM 255 /* should be in control.h, but isn't */
#include <font.h>
#include "ival.h"
#include "progerr.h"
* nabuts[] - buttons for the "Name" window pane
#define NASTRS 136 /* STR# */
#define NA_GIVE 0 /* "Give Name" */
#define NA_COUNT 1
static ControlHandle nabuts[NA_COUNT];
* updown[] - the button column specifying interval direction.
#define UDSTRS 131 /* STR# of labels for up/down names */
#define UD_ABOVE 0 /* index (not strid) of "above" */
#define UD_BELOW 1 /* below */
#define UD_COUNT 2 /* number of updown[] items */
static ControlHandle updown[UD_COUNT];
* itype[] - the button column specifying interval type.
* Indexed by IT_* (see ival.h).
#define ITSTRS 132 /* STR# of labels for interval types */
static ControlHandle itype[IT_COUNT];
* isize[] - the button column specifying interval size.
* Indexed by isizectl[degree].
* isizectl[] - indexed by a degree, isizectl[] gives an index into isize[].
* Using isizectl, the interval size buttons don't have to be by order of degree.
#define ISSTRS 133 /* STR# of labels for interval sizes */
#define IS_OCT 0 /* octave */
#define IS_7th 1 /* seventh */
#define IS_6th 2 /* sixth */
#define IS_5th 3 /* fifth */
#define IS_4th 4 /* fourth */
#define IS_3rd 5 /* third */
#define IS_2nd 6 /* second */
#define IS_UNI 7 /* unison */
#define IS_COUNT 8 /* number of isize[] items */
static ControlHandle isize[IS_COUNT];
static int isizectl[IS_COUNT] = {
IS_UNI, IS_2nd, IS_3rd, IS_4th, IS_5th, IS_6th, IS_7th, IS_OCT
* fillname() - create the "name" window pane and its contents.
Rect windrect; /* rect enclosing the window */
short oldfont; /* original font of this port */
short numstrs; /* number of strings in the current STR# resource*/
Rect udrect; /* rect enclosing the updown[] buttons */
Rect itrect; /* rect enclosing the itype[] buttons */
Rect isrect; /* rect enclosing the isize[] buttons */
Point delta; /* a temporary distance */
short width; /* a width (in pixels) */
Rect tmprect; /* a temporary variable */
topLeft(windrect) = topLeft(windoc->portRect);
botRight(windrect) = botRight(windoc->portRect);
oldfont = thePort->txFont;
* get the rects that bound the columns of interval name buttons:
* The itype[] and updown[] buttons occupy one column.
udrect.top = 0;
udrect.left = 0;
udrect.right = udrect.left + strswidth(UDSTRS, &numstrs) + BUTEXTRAH;
udrect.bottom = udrect.top + numstrs * (BUTHEIGHT + BUTVMARG);
itrect.top = 0;
itrect.left = 0;
itrect.right = itrect.left + strswidth(ITSTRS, &numstrs) + BUTEXTRAH;
itrect.bottom = itrect.top + numstrs * (BUTHEIGHT + BUTVMARG);
isrect.top = 0;
isrect.left = 0;
isrect.right = isrect.left + strswidth(ISSTRS, &numstrs) + BUTEXTRAH;
isrect.bottom = isrect.top + numstrs * (BUTHEIGHT + BUTVMARG);
if (udrect.right < itrect.right) {
udrect.right = itrect.right;
itrect.right = udrect.right;
OffsetRect(&isrect, udrect.right + HMARGIN, 0);
OffsetRect(&itrect, 0, isrect.bottom - itrect.bottom);
* Now the columns are in the correct relative places.
* Offset them to the appropriate place in the window,
delta.h = windrect.left + HMARGIN;
delta.v = windrect.bottom - HMARGIN - BUTHEIGHT - HMARGIN;
delta.h -= itrect.left;
delta.v -= itrect.bottom;
OffsetRect(&udrect, delta.h, delta.v);
OffsetRect(&itrect, delta.h, delta.v);
OffsetRect(&isrect, delta.h, delta.v);
* define the global Rect enclosing the Name pane.
namerect.left = windrect.left + HMARGIN;
namerect.right = isrect.right;
namerect.top = isrect.top;
namerect.bottom = windrect.bottom - HMARGIN;
* Create the columns of Name controls.
delta.h = 0;
topLeft(tmprect) = topLeft(udrect);
botRight(tmprect) = botRight(udrect);
tmprect.bottom = tmprect.top + BUTHEIGHT;
makeradcol(updown, RADPROCID, UDSTRS, &tmprect, delta.h, delta.v);
topLeft(tmprect) = topLeft(itrect);
botRight(tmprect) = botRight(itrect);
tmprect.bottom = tmprect.top + BUTHEIGHT;
makeradcol(itype, RADPROCID, ITSTRS, &tmprect, delta.h, delta.v);
topLeft(tmprect) = topLeft(isrect);
botRight(tmprect) = botRight(isrect);
tmprect.bottom = tmprect.top + BUTHEIGHT;
makeradcol(isize, RADPROCID, ISSTRS, &tmprect, delta.h, delta.v);
* Put the miscellaneous button(s) in their appropriate place:
* Name buttons are right justified just above the bottom.
width = strswidth(NASTRS, &numstrs) + BUTEXTRAH;
tmprect.left = namerect.right - (width + BUTHMARG) * numstrs;
tmprect.right = tmprect.left + width;
tmprect.bottom = namerect.bottom;
tmprect.top = tmprect.bottom - BUTHEIGHT;
delta.h = width + BUTHMARG;
delta.v = 0;
makeradcol(nabuts, BUTPROCID, NASTRS, &tmprect, delta.h, delta.v);
* newname() - reset the name controls, based on the new test state.
short i;
int is_above;
* always give the above/below buttons
if (curtone[1].degree > curtone[0].degree) {
is_above = TRUE;
} else if (curtone[1].degree < curtone[0].degree) {
is_above = FALSE;
} else if (curtone[1].chrome >= curtone[0].chrome) {
is_above = TRUE;
} else {
is_above = FALSE;
if (is_above) {
SetCtlValue(updown[UD_ABOVE], 1);
SetCtlValue(updown[UD_BELOW], 0);
} else {
SetCtlValue(updown[UD_ABOVE], 0);
SetCtlValue(updown[UD_BELOW], 1);
* clear out the type and size buttons
for (i = 0; i < IT_COUNT; ++i) {
HiliteControl(itype[i], 0);
SetCtlValue(itype[i], 0);
for (i = 0; i < IS_COUNT; ++i) {
HiliteControl(isize[i], 0);
SetCtlValue(isize[i], 0);
* Set the appropriate buttons (based on who does what).
if (!progtasks.name) {
HiliteControl(nabuts[NA_GIVE], 0);
isizeshown = FALSE;
itypeshown = FALSE;
} else {
HiliteControl(nabuts[NA_GIVE], ALLDIM);
SetCtlValue(itype[curitype], 1);
itypeshown = TRUE;
SetCtlValue(isize[isizectl[curisize]], 1);
isizeshown = TRUE;
* namepress() - handle a button-press in the Name pane.
ControlHandle whichcontrol;
short oldvalue;
short i;
* find which button (and class of button) was pressed.
for (i = 0; i < NA_COUNT; ++i) {
if (whichcontrol == nabuts[i]) {
* "Give" button. Give the user one part of the interval.
if (!isizeshown) {
SetCtlValue(isize[isizectl[curisize]], 1);
isizeshown = TRUE;
} else if (!itypeshown) {
SetCtlValue(itype[curitype], 1);
itypeshown = TRUE;
HiliteControl(nabuts[NA_GIVE], ALLDIM);
for (i = 0; i < UD_COUNT; ++i) {
if (whichcontrol == updown[i]) {
/* ignore it */
for (i = 0; i < IT_COUNT; ++i) {
if (whichcontrol == itype[i]) {
* An itype press.
* If they got it right, light that button;
* otherwise, dim that button.
if (!itypeshown) {
if (i == curitype) {
SetCtlValue(itype[curitype], 1);
itypeshown = TRUE;
if (isizeshown) {
HiliteControl(nabuts[NA_GIVE], ALLDIM);
} else {
if (!isizeshown) {
/*XXX deal with enharmonic equivalents */
HiliteControl(itype[i], ALLDIM);
for (i = 0; i < IS_COUNT; ++i) {
if (whichcontrol == isize[i]) {
* An isize press.
* If they got it right, light that button;
* otherwise, dim that button.
if (!isizeshown) {
if (i == isizectl[curisize]) {
SetCtlValue(isize[isizectl[curisize]], 1);
isizeshown = TRUE;
if (itypeshown) {
HiliteControl(nabuts[NA_GIVE], ALLDIM);
} else {
if (!itypeshown) {
/*XXX deal with enharmonic equivalents */
HiliteControl(isize[i], ALLDIM);